BioMedware develops research collaborations and partnerships with experts in federal and state governments, national and international academia and the private sector. These distinguished professionals contribute to research, participate in our workshops and author and co-authors peer reviewed journal articles.
Some of our past and current collaborators include:
Azmy Ackleh, PhD, Department of Mathematics
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Dan G. Brown, PhD, Director, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences
University of Washington
Julien Caudeville, PhD, Direction santé environnement
Santé Publique France
Glenn Radford, Vital Records and Health Statistics,
Michigan Dept of Health and Human Services
Khaled El Emam, PhD, Professor
University of Ottawa, Canada
Ben G. Fitzpatrick, PhD, Mathematics Department,
Loyola Marymount University
Marie-Josee Fortin, PhD, Professor Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Toronto, Canada
Yong Ge, PhD, Professor, Institute of Geographic Science & Natural Resources,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Daniel W. Goldberg, PhD, Assistant Professor of Geography
Texas A&M University
Sue Grady, PhD, Associate Professor of Geography
Michigan State University
Myron P. Gutmann, PhD, Professor of History; Director, Institute of Behavioral Science
University of Colorado Boulder
Ruth Kerry, PhD, Associate Professor of Geography
Brigham Young University
Richard McNally, PhD, Reader in Epidemiology and Director,
Northern Region Young Persons’ Malignant Disease Registry in the Institute of Health and Society Newcastle University, United Kingdom
W. Andrew Marcus, PhD, Professor
Dept. of Geography, University of Oregon
Richard A. Marston, PhD, University Distinguished Professor,
Dept. of Geography at Kansas State University
Jaymie R. Meliker, PhD, Associate Professor of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine,
Stony Brook Medicine
Jennifer McKinley, PhD, Director of Centre for GIS and Geomatics, School of Natural and Built Environment,
Queen’s University Belfast, Ireland
John R. Nuckols, PhD, Professor Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Colorado State University
Marie S. O’Neill, PhD, Professor, Environmental Health Sciences
University of Michigan
Linda Pickle, PhD, Founder and Chief Statistician
Statnet Consulting, LLC
Peggy Reynolds, PhD, MPH, Professor, Epidemiology & Biostatistics
School of Medicine, UCSF
Richard Scribner, MD, MPH, School of Public Health
Louisiana State University
Recinda Sherman, PhD, NAACCR,
North American Association of Central Cancer Registries
Neal Simonsen, PhD, School of Public Health
Louisiana State University
Amilcar Soares, PhD, Professor
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal
Kenneth M. Sylvester, PhD, Director of Research and Sponsored Programs,
University of Michigan-Flint
Mary H. Ward, PhD, Senior Investigator
National Cancer Institute
Mark L. Wilson, ScD, Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology
School of Public Health
University of Michigan
Health Outcome Research
Major research topics have included:
- Cancer – Bladder, Breast, Lung, Prostate, Pancreatic, NHL, Leukemias and Testicular
- Childhood leukemia and diabetes
- H7N1 risk assessment
- Heavy episodic drinking on college campuses
- Otitis and influenza in children
- Raccoon rabies spread
- West Nile infection
- Flint Water Crisis
- Residential Mobility
- Disease Clustering
- Drug Poisoning Deaths
Software, Training & Consulting
Along with our research expertise, we leverage our considerable knowledge in geographical statistical software to develop new research tools. We offer these products, as well as customized training workshops, tailored to meet your project requirements.