BoundarySeer Details

Boundaries. We encounter them every day – forest ecotones and treelines, the barriers to migration, the edges of pollution plumes, the margins of neighborhoods. Boundaries are where things change. Boundaries are where biological, physical and social processes are at work. Boundaries should be the focus of inquiry, but we haven’t had the analysis tools. Until now. Until BoundarySeer.

BoundarySeer is the premier product for the detection, description and analysis of geographic boundaries. It detects patterns in your data and then tests them statistically. Aside from edge detection, most GIS do not provide any boundary analysis techniques. BoundarySeer fills that gap.

BoundarySeer was developed at BioMedware, using grant funding from the National Cancer Institute. These grants were awarded through scientific peer review, validating the relevance and innovation of our approach.

BoundarySeer is protected by U.S. patents 6,360,184, 6,460,011, 6,704,686, and 6,738,728; other patents pending.

All our products require Microsoft Windows™ operating systems.

“BoundarySeer makes detecting rapid changes in spatially-based attributes quick and easy. I use it regularly to support my research on neighborhood change, and I have recommended it to several graduate students and colleagues.”

Russell Weaver, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
Texas State University

Download the BoundarySeer Manual (PDF)