ClusterSeer Details
Clusters of events can be caused by stimuli, or they can arise by chance. How can we tell whether an observed cluster is real? ClusterSeer evaluates disease clusters and non-disease events such as crime or sales data. You can determine whether a cluster is significant, where it is located, and when it arose, providing insight into the origin, causes, and correlates of the event.
Latest Version: Clusterseer 2.5
ClusterSeer evaluates whether events occur near a presumed source of risk, or it locates clustering without a known focus by providing state-of-the-art statistical methods for assessing event clusters in space and time.
ClusterSeer contains 24 methods, including 15 additional spatial, temporal and spatial-temporal clustering methods, along with the ability to save project sessions, import DBF files, export images, and load in data to supplement your maps. The most comprehensive cluster software available, ClusterSeer contains updated versions of all the methods previously found in Stat!.
ClusterSeer can be used alone, or in conjunction with SpaceStat or BoundarySeer for an even fuller perspective on your data.
ClusterSeer was developed at BioMedware, using grant funding from the National Cancer Institute. These grants were awarded through scientific peer review, validating the relevance and innovation of our approach.
Download “Spatial Cluster Analysis” in “The Handbook of Geographic Information Science”
ClusterSeer® is a registered trademark of BioMedware, Inc. It is protected by U.S. patents 6,360,184, 6,460,011, 6,704,686, and 6,738,728; other patents pending.
All our products require Microsoft Windows™ operating systems.