Friday 22nd August 2014
12:30pm – 2:00pm
(Perth, Australia) The CRCSI invite you to attend a short presentation from Geoffrey followed by discussion and networking with colleagues in the Health Program.
Geoffrey Jacquez has been the Science Director of the CRCSI Health Program for two years and is in Perth for a series of workshops and meetings. Geoffrey has over 20 years’ experience as an active researcher in cancer epidemiology and geography. He has been developing novel statistical methods for analysing case-control data for mobile individuals, and the assessment of space-time interaction for diseases with long latency in mobile populations. Most recently he has been exploring the challenges around the quantified self and crowd sourcing of the genome+, exposome and behavome.
Discussion Topic – “Project Us”
For the health-concerned who wishes to optimize or better their own or their family’s well-being, Project Us is a wearable device that will measure and quantify environmental level data to understand potential risk factors. Compared to Lapka, we will provide actionable recommendations to actively manage our users’ well-being. As a wearable device, the data will also be hyper-specific for each user, as opposed to existing static environmental detectors. We believe this will be a success because the environment is a major factor in maintaining good health and consumers have adopted wearable devices and mobile apps to understand and improve their wellness.
RSVP to Narelle Mullan, Health Program Manager on or 0466 779 263
Unit 6, 12 Brodie Hall Drive
Technology Park, Bentley
Easy parking nearby
Light lunch will be provided