This week I am attending the meetings of the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries that is being held in Austin, Texas. The topic of this year’s conference is “Thinking big, the future of cancer surveillance”, and I’m involved in two activities. The...
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SXSW 2013: Mobile Health and the new era of Citizen Science
Yesterday, I traveled to the meetings at SXSW in Austin, Texas. I’m attending the interactive session, and you may be able to find me at these events. Yes, I’ve doubled and triple scheduled some of the time slots, but there is so much going on here in the mobile...
Directions Magazine: Geocoding Comes to the Forefront
A report from the First International Geospatial Geocoding Conference (IGGC) by Daniel W. Goldberg and Geoffrey M. Jacquez provides an overview of the intensive 2-day information sharing event attended by geocoding users, developers, scientists and researchers.
The First International Geospatial Geocoding Conference (Redlands, California – Dec 6-7, 2011)
By Geoffrey M. Jacquez, PhD (BioMedware) and Daniel Goldberg, PhD (University of Southern California) This blog provides a quick take on the First International Geospatial Geocoding Conference. I am pleased to write this blog with Dan Goldberg, conference...
Interview with Pierre Goovaerts (en français)
An Interview with Pierre Goovaerts, Chief Scientist at BioMedware, on the occasion of his plenary address “The Role of GIS, Geostatistics and Cancer Atlases in Medical Geography & Environmental Epidemiology” delivered during the symposium “Environment and Health”....
Report from the NASA Public Health Program Review
The 2011 NASA Public Health Program Review was held September 14-16 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This is an annual event where Principal Investigators of projects funded by the NASA Public Health Program are invited to present the status and results of their work. NASA’s...
A Vision for Geohealth Analysis, and Geohealth Solutions in SpaceStat
Others have blogged on the directions for Esri technology, the emerging role of GIS-in-the-cloud, crowd-sourcing data, and the potentials for social networking in geohealth. I attended the recent Esri International User Conference (UC) and realized that,...
vacciNATION: Improving the nation’s health through health communication, social networks and gaming?
NOTE: vacciNATION is currently running with data from the 2012 season. This blog introduces an app BioMedware developed in response to CDC’s Flu App Challenge. This challenge calls for an innovative use of technology to raise awareness of influenza and educate...
It’s About Space and Time: From the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) to the Modifiable Temporal Unit Problem (MTUP) to the Modifiable Spatio-Temporal Unit Problem (MSTUP)
I recently returned from the annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers, which convened in Seattle in April, 2011. While there I had the opportunity to attend a few of the featured sessions on space-time geography. This special series, with...
Lowering the drinking age is unlikely to curb college binge drinking
Although presidents at some U.S. colleges have argued that lowering the minimum legal drinking age could help curb binge drinking on campuses, a new study in the January issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs suggests such a measure would be ineffective....
Highlights from SETAC 2010: Deepwater Horizon oil spill and Global Climate Change
The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) is a non-profit, worldwide professional society comprised of individuals and institutions engaged in: 1) the study, analysis, and solution of environmental problems, 2) the management and regulation of...